Simply Computing




If we weren't emotionally involved with computer technology, we wouldn't be at TechShow.  We like to talk about all the rational decisions we make in purchasing and deploying technology in our law practices, but that behavior is just the glove the heart wears to grab hold of something it wants.  In a culture like ours where the technology we use communicates what kind of people we are, buying and using computers is an emotional decision.


Herein lies the strength and the weakness of a technology focused culture, whether it be a law office culture or a global one. We can be motivated to extend ourselves technologically because we are attracted to the lifestyle of the technologically adept and because we enjoy being appreciated as cutting edge type people who always have the latest gadget before others do.  But we can also be motivated to over extend ourselves, to purchase too much and try to incorporate an excess of technological apparatus into our working lives. The more we adopt the adage, "you are what you own," to the technology we place in our lives, the more likely we are to acquire more than we can use.


Given that the technology we buy today is so soon obsolete, owning more than we can well use or owning anything before we are ready to learn how to use it is a fool's errand.


We seem less inclined to run fool's errands since September 11th and there are a lot fewer fools with the money to run them since the Internet Boom went bust. These two events of last year stripped the extreme self-absorption and the hyper-materialistic gluttony from the computer technology community. Human and financial catastrophes have a way of forcing a reevaluation of what is and is not valuable.


It would be easy to take on a puritanical severity and pledge, like recovering alcoholics, never to sip from the cup of technology again. But abstinence is seldom the cure for a bad romance, and trying to reform by renouncing computer technology as tools of positive change and professional growth is just another mode of obsession.


There are no times better than hard times for us to partake of those things in this world that enrich us.  Whether it is the smell of petunias or PDA's, a new love or a new laptop, don't surrender the precious resources that bring joy to living. If computers are your catnip, don't let your boss or your budget tell you that technology isn't important. We may have learned last year that there is no soul in the machine, but that doesn't mean the machines aren't good for the soul.


This is not to say that we should reform the way we think about applying technology to our work.  Absorption in technology can still be a recess from job routine and conventional thinking without being an excess. We only need to strive for proportionality in the way we use technology.


By proportionality, I mean that we don't over tax ourselves with more technology than we can handle and that we put a priority on what is simplest and least consuming to employ.  The measures of simplicity that come to my mind are economy, portability, and versatility.


When I advocate economy, I don't mean it in the sense of paying the least amount of money that can be paid to acquire a particular product. I mean that we should be economical in our acquisitions. Challenge yourself to fully exploit the capabilities of a few products rather than over run your life with too many big and little machines. This sometimes means paying more for more integrated devices. For example, rather than walk around with a phone, a wireless pager and a Palm, isn't it better to spend some extra money to acquire a single device that is all three? That way, you cultivate knowledge of the performance characteristics of one digital tool rather than three. Even if the three separate devices cost less, the distraction and complication of managing multiple technologies is more than worth the difference. Once again, less is more.


Economy of use also applies to how few computers you can own and operate. I have always had more computers than I needed because I always assumed that in the near future, I would be doing more than I am doing now and that the extra capacity would be important to have. Whether I was right about the future or not, I was wrong to buy technology in anticipation of future rather than present needs. All I did was ensure that when and if things worked out the way I hoped they would, I'd be saddled with a less capable system that I'd paid too much money for. My new rule is never do without what you need, but never buy until you cannot do without.


This rule applies for organizations as well as individuals. Long range planning for technology acquisitions ignores the fundamentally transient nature of computer products and the technologies they embody. As far as computer hardware, the future is now. But for now, no technology has much of a future.  Treat computers like houseguests; you love having them, but only for a while; the longer they stay, the more you regret having them there.


Try to switch over from the paradigm of knowing all about all of the technology to one of choosing to know about the technology that matters to you. The hard part is deciding what technology really matters. That is a better focus than treating each generation for computer equipment as a smorgasbord where you must have one of everything to be considered technologically hip. Real technical sophistication flows from making the right choices, not the most choices.


Portability is part and parcel of computing simply because it allows for work as you please rather than having people tell you to please go to work. Defeating the physical conventions of where and when to work are life changers, especially when your organization of one or one hundred is focused on performance rather than attendance. Portability means performance without place. Although it takes some retraining of one's concept of what is "professional," a lawyer can be as productive on a park bench as in a corner office.


Portability has as much to do with how you work as it does where you work. When the physical attributes of office and fixed assets of practice become less a part of how one sees oneself as an attorney, one's professional focus shifts towards working relationships. In fact, we become more comfortable with internalizing our professionalism as what we know, how well we know it, and how well we share it rather than what we own, where we office and who with.


Versatility in technology means that we choose technology that can serve as many roles as possible in our professional and personal lives. Why have a computer that is only "for the office" when a computer can be a family photo album, a music collection, a movie theater, a personal dictation assistant and alarm clock, an encyclopedia, a phone, the Internet, your check book, a radio, a TV, and a game arcade?


The portable computer has become life centered rather than work centered as a machine enabling its owner to do far more with it than the old fashioned yin and yang of work and play.  We can now integrate what we find supportive and nurturing into our work time as we extend our work into our casual living times. If it is recognized as professional to be drafting email at the beach, then surely it is equally professional to enjoy music while at work or to have one's family pictures moving by on a computer screen saver, or maybe stay late at the office and take in a DVD movie while going through some old files. Versatility in computing permits versatility in living to such an extent that we may be taught how to better integrate our labor and our recreation.